1.   And Barak, now the caretaker prime minister, said that the next Israeli government would not be bound by the proposals raised during his tenure in office.

2.   Berlusconi wants a quick vote while he still commands the levers of power as caretaker prime minister.

3.   Prime Minister Lamberto Dini is likely to stay on as a caretaker prime minister until the election.

4.   As caretaker prime minister, Peres can either call early elections or try to form a new government.

5.   Erbakan resigned two weeks ago but had remained on as caretaker prime minister.

6.   The law calls for Nano to stay on as caretaker prime minister until Parliament approves his successor and a new Cabinet.

7.   The president dissolved Parliament and swore in former Supreme Court Chief Justice Mohammad Habibur Rahman as a caretaker prime minister.

8.   Former mining and petroleum minister John Giheno was sworn in as caretaker prime minister Thursday until the inquiry is completed.

9.   John Giheno took over as caretaker prime minister after Chan stood down Wednesday pending a judicial inquiry into the Sandline contract.

10.   President Farooq Ahmed Leghari sacked Bhutto Monday, and veteran politician Malik Meraj Khalid was sworn in Tuesday as caretaker prime minister.

n. + prime >>共 41
deputy 26.09%
caretaker 14.49%
government 2.90%
oven 2.90%
clergy 1.45%
coalition 1.45%
compromise 1.45%
confidence 1.45%
contractor 1.45%
event 1.45%
caretaker + v. >>共 75
be 10.48%
prime 8.06%
say 6.45%
have 3.23%
live 3.23%
tell 3.23%
lock 2.42%
introduce 1.61%
find 1.61%
die 1.61%
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