1.   Spark has been on a bit of buying spree over the last year, snapping up Softtechnet in May.

2.   Big companies on buying sprees run into antitrust issues all the time.

3.   In between buying sprees, users can stroll along the mall viewing art galleries and special display rooms.

4.   Most operators incurred substantial debts as they went on nursing home buying sprees, banking on easy money from Medicare.

5.   As small investors staged an early morning buying spree in Seoul, analysts said it was too soon to predict any sustained turnaround.

6.   But Hong Kong traders had apparently already taken potentially higher interest rates into consideration before going on their latest buying spree.

7.   Small investors staged an early morning buying spree in Seoul, but analysts said it was too soon to predict any sustained turnaround.

8.   Stocks dive as government halts buying spree.

9.   The dollar, which had been trading at historic lows against the mark and yen, failed to improve following Fed buying sprees in March and April.

10.   We should stop buying sprees!

v. + spree >>共 36
buy 12.20%
shop 12.20%
spend 9.76%
kidnap 8.54%
begin 4.88%
loot 4.88%
start 3.66%
have 2.44%
continue 2.44%
replace 2.44%
buy + n. >>共 997
share 5.83%
stock 4.96%
ticket 3.22%
house 2.59%
dollar 2.54%
bond 1.95%
car 1.74%
company 1.61%
time 1.54%
product 1.44%
spree 0.03%
每页显示:    共 10