1.   And rivalries are built by such confrontations.

2.   But you can build a rivalry.

3.   Can the rivalry be built?

4.   Cincinnati wants Indianapolis because of the close proximity of the two teams and the possibility of building a rivalry.

5.   Notre Dame lent its vaunted history to the conference, building new rivalries with Syracuse, Villanova and Seton Hall.

6.   Story lines are carefully nurtured, building rivalries between wrestlers, groups, even with Bischoff and McMahon and their entire circuits.

7.   The Texas Rangers and Houston Astros will be able to take a real step toward building a rivalry when they finally play each other in the regular season.

v. + rivalry >>共 215
have 6.08%
renew 4.95%
create 4.28%
end 2.48%
downplay 2.25%
fuel 2.03%
intensify 1.80%
resume 1.80%
rekindle 1.58%
build 1.58%
build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
plant 2.64%
home 2.24%
support 1.45%
bridge 1.41%
stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
rivalry 0.03%
每页显示:    共 7