1.   AND MICROSOFT, taking the high-brow road, has a TV commercial for its Internet Explorer browser program.

2.   Both Netscape and Microsoft are just now releasing new versions of their browser programs with features that are intended to ease workplace collaboration.

3.   Both Netscape and Microsoft make browser programs that let users view and explore Internet content.

4.   A browser program, which works in conjuction with an operating systems, allows a computer user with a modem to roam the Internet.

5.   A faster personal computer or a new Internet browser program is an upgrade.

6.   But the dispute extends beyond browser programs.

7.   Companies like Netscape and Microsoft quickly realized that these revenue streams might be more valuable than sales of the browser programs themselves.

8.   Finally, the survey indicates that the Internet browser program Netscape Navigator remains dominant over Microsoft Explorer, at least among respondents who can name their software.

9.   In both browser programs, you will see a list of file types and the programs the browser is using to open them.

10.   In the other camp are browser programs not based on Mosaic.

n. + program >>共 1065
government 3.08%
computer 2.82%
television 2.29%
weapon 2.13%
education 2.08%
news 1.91%
software 1.70%
space 1.54%
welfare 1.53%
treatment 1.30%
browser 0.08%
browser + n. >>共 91
software 19.37%
market 17.43%
war 12.35%
window 6.78%
program 5.81%
maker 2.42%
technology 2.42%
company 1.94%
battle 1.69%
share 1.69%
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