1.   He and others were lured by the absence of any broker fees and the chance to be in early on a high-growth company.

2.   Holders of the DECS will receive interest payments and Salomon Brothers will get a broker fee.

3.   NCR will pay the transaction costs, making it attractive to shareholders who want to avoid paying broker fees.

4.   You may need to make a six-figure commitment to benefit enough to compensate for broker fees and other costs.

n. + fee >>共 630
transfer 4.67%
management 4.35%
user 3.15%
license 3.08%
subscription 3.06%
service 2.52%
entrance 2.52%
membership 2.35%
tuition 2.30%
admission 2.27%
broker 0.10%
broker + n. >>共 133
peace 15.65%
comment 8.02%
report 3.05%
say 3.05%
dealer 2.67%
commission 2.67%
talk 2.29%
investor 1.91%
group 1.53%
fee 1.53%
每页显示:    共 4