1.   One male victim, who was not identified, had a broken skull and pelvis, but was in stable condition.

2.   The scattered pot shards and broken human skulls are evidence that grave robbers have been busy.

3.   Photos that accompanied the article showed local residents weaping and Buddhist monks praying at the gravesite, broken skulls and a man carefully removing bones scattered in the dirt.

4.   An immigrant suffered a broken skull.

5.   Amid the carnage were many bodies of babies with broken skulls.

6.   Doctors said Jemayel had a broken skull and was bleeding in the brain.

7.   Doctors said Jemayel suffered from a broken skull and was bleeding in the brain.

8.   He died from internal bleeding and a broken skull last week after being interrogated at Jneid Prison.

9.   Orderly rows of broken skulls were unearthed by a bulldozer crew just outside the city of Xuyi, in northern Jiangsu.

10.   The eighth casualty, who suffered a broken skull, remained in a Saudi hospital but could be evacuated in the coming week, Vadnais said.

a. + skull >>共 175
fractured 27.57%
human 12.04%
broken 2.09%
thick 1.92%
crushed 1.75%
cracked 1.57%
ancient 1.22%
animal 1.22%
basal 1.22%
basilar 1.22%
broken + n. >>共 818
bone 9.35%
leg 7.29%
glass 6.69%
arm 4.06%
rib 3.63%
window 3.30%
nose 3.07%
foot 2.88%
ankle 2.05%
wrist 1.95%
skull 0.15%
每页显示:    共 12