1.   Alongside the consonance of their broader views, Bush and Sharon seem to have achieved remarkable harmony regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

2.   Apparently, Moceanu has gotten up the courage to lift her head and get a broader view of her life.

3.   Another firm, which has a broader view and has been right before, says that the market will be ripe for what you have.

4.   As to those who consider a lifetime of fixing dolls to be an odd career, Chase takes a broader view.

5.   As vice president, he would take a broader view than his role of congressman from Wyoming required.

6.   At the very least, Janus is now taking a much broader view of what constitutes a growth company than it did a few years ago.

7.   A broader view of this is that animals with very limited repertoires are overly sensitive to changes in the environment.

8.   A liberal Warren-style court would have taken a broader view of the will of the people.

9.   A good therapeutic approach would be to find out how all these things interlock, and take steps back and try to take a broader view.

10.   Bristow hopes contributions to the endowment fund will increase and Alcorn State will come into broader view.

a. + view >>共 746
different 6.78%
public 4.19%
political 2.84%
similar 2.28%
full 2.05%
clear 1.57%
better 1.55%
dim 1.43%
long 1.28%
panoramic 1.26%
broader 0.48%
broader + n. >>共 848
market 20.68%
indicator 6.52%
index 3.38%
issue 1.95%
range 1.90%
audience 1.45%
question 1.43%
measure 1.42%
effort 1.15%
view 0.84%
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