1.   In the blue light of the morning he breathed his last.

2.   Millions who were dangerously ill or breathing their last.

3.   The moment Carey was confident that Elizabeth had breathed her last he was in the saddle, racing for the Border.

4.   -- like two shots from a gun, and the pageant, which was lying on its back, sagged in on itself like a man breathing his last.

5.   And God witnessed the activities of the makers of buzz who busied themselves in the name of a young girl who breathed her last too soon.

6.   Diana, Princess of Wales, had just breathed her last.

7.   Dictionaries have no labels for words that are still in use but seem to be breathing their last.

8.   He and his wife, Julie, were eating supper at the clubhouse when the call came from fellow pro Tom Kite that Penick had breathed his last.

9.   Haslam also rejects the notion that traditionalism has breathed its last.

10.   It is the city where Hitler strutted and breathed his last.

v. + last >>共 264
spend 8.22%
see 7.55%
pitch 3.94%
play 3.83%
finish 3.49%
get_out 3.38%
hear 2.82%
win 2.59%
breathe 2.14%
get 1.91%
breathe + n. >>共 157
life 32.77%
sigh 20.93%
air 8.14%
fire 3.28%
problem 3.17%
word 2.01%
last 2.01%
fume 2.01%
oxygen 1.90%
difficulty 1.80%
每页显示:    共 19