1.   Doctors can perform tests to see if a woman carries the breast cancer gene.

2.   And researchers now suspect that other breast cancer genes, two or more, will be found.

3.   As more is learned about the human genome, other breast cancer genes may show up.

4.   BRCA genes, short for breast cancer genes, fix DNA errors in cells.

5.   A woman who wants to know if she has a breast cancer gene, for example, can simply have her own DNA tested.

6.   But, researchers say, women should think carefully about whether they want to be tested for the breast cancer genes.

7.   For years, a number of distinguished scientists furiously raced to become the first to discover a breast cancer gene.

8.   Future treatment, he said, will involve drugs that selectively kill cells with a particular defect in a breast cancer gene.

9.   He pointed out that the risk associated with two breast cancer genes had been overestimated at first.

10.   His wife recently tested positive for a mutated breast cancer gene, and had her breasts and ovaries removed as a preventive measure.

n. + gene >>共 320
cancer 7.26%
mouse 3.63%
suppressor 3.51%
resistance 3.26%
telomerase 2.90%
bacterium 2.78%
breast 2.54%
receptor 1.81%
tumor 1.81%
disease 1.69%
breast + n. >>共 222
cancer 57.11%
implant 5.60%
milk 3.72%
research 1.82%
patient 1.70%
tissue 1.53%
tumor 1.45%
surgery 1.45%
survivor 1.45%
risk 1.16%
gene 0.60%
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