1.   Rates have fallen in all regions but the biggest drops have been in regions with the highest rates.

2.   -- What were the biggest drops in the Dow industrials?

3.   According to the report, the biggest drop in mobility was among people who moved within the same county.

4.   But both the length of the decline and the fact that the biggest drop came in homicides, the most serious crime, appeared particularly significant to the specialists.

5.   Canadian stocks rallied after their biggest drop in four months as institutional buying offset concern that interest rates will rise and dampen demand for equities, analysts said.

6.   Construction fell in all regions of the country, with the biggest drop seen in the Northeast.

7.   Corporate buyers of everything from twine to trucks reported a decline in factory activity, and the government said construction suffered its biggest drop in more than three years.

8.   Gold posted its biggest drop in two weeks after a U.S. government report on producer prices allayed concerns that inflation may accelerate.

9.   GREEK stocks rose after taking the biggest drop in a month yesterday, following gaining equity markets across Europe.

10.   Heating oil sustained its biggest drop in five years after an industry report showed heating oil stockpiles were larger than expected.

a. + drop >>共 469
sharp 16.62%
steep 4.42%
big 4.10%
recent 3.87%
biggest 3.03%
dramatic 2.45%
unexpected 2.31%
slight 2.16%
overnight 2.02%
significant 2.02%
biggest + n. >>共 920
problem 4.26%
challenge 2.57%
loser 1.56%
gain 1.55%
gainer 1.52%
threat 1.46%
difference 1.29%
concern 1.18%
obstacle 1.17%
change 1.08%
drop 0.51%
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