1.   For anyone building their first few projects the best advice is to avoid any mains powered project.

2.   Have the flexibility of being able to shop around for the best possible deals and get the best professional advice.

3.   That is the best advice we can offer, given our current state of knowledge about the disease.

4.   The additional value farmers receive is the best possible free advice on both inputs and Marketing.

5.   Those who stop long enough to really listen will invariably give the best advice, if they give any at all.

6.   If you are expecting a baby, the best advice is to stay off alcohol altogether.

7.   What do you think would constitute best advice?

8.   The best advice for sunburn is to avoid being in the sun for long enough to burn.

9.   It is important that I put myself in a position to be able to give you the best possible advice.

10.   And arrange around those circumstances the best advice package.

a. + advice >>共 649
legal 10.49%
good 5.32%
medical 4.76%
best 4.41%
financial 3.92%
expert 3.04%
practical 3.01%
professional 2.60%
sound 2.46%
bad 2.25%
best + n. >>共 923
way 7.61%
player 4.01%
friend 3.26%
thing 2.87%
chance 2.44%
team 2.22%
interest 1.65%
time 1.47%
record 1.32%
part 1.22%
advice 0.40%
每页显示:    共 150