1.   All things in heaven and earth were mysteriously linked with the divine powers, but beautiful things most of all.

2.   Are you fancying that there are all sorts of wonders up there, cities of the gods full of beautiful things?

3.   Here I am of the air, a beautiful thing for the light to shine on.

4.   His life was a beautiful thing, it was filled with joy.

5.   I love beautiful things, simple things, but they are the most costly.

6.   It was without doubt the most beautiful thing she had ever owned, or ever would.

7.   Really they are the most beautiful things in the world.

8.   We love it for all the beautiful things that the police can neither offer nor take away-particularly a superb concept like rahma.

9.   What I had chanced upon was a mile race of six glorious runners, a really beautiful thing.

a. + thing >>共 548
same 10.88%
only 7.33%
good 6.85%
right 4.11%
whole 4.09%
important 3.44%
best 2.91%
last 2.84%
first 2.53%
bad 2.38%
beautiful 0.29%
beautiful + n. >>共 1213
woman 6.88%
people 2.86%
thing 2.68%
day 1.88%
girl 1.22%
place 1.20%
scenery 1.05%
garden 1.03%
music 0.90%
wife 0.88%
每页显示:    共 109