1.   As recently as September, Shulman had stuck to his bearish view, citing six factors that he said had been associated with market tops and were again present.

2.   But even Kaufman, long known for his bearish views on inflation, is not particularly worried.

3.   That is a significantly more bearish view than McVey has.

4.   While an increase in short positions may indicate more bearish views on prices, the volume of short positions can also be affected by complex trading strategies.

5.   Among those who were bent on preserving their capital by selling before the festive holidays, were investors and speculators who held very bearish views of the stock market.

6.   HLG Futures added that it has a bearish view of the market and do not recommend a long-term buy on May contracts.

7.   However, if they were already holding such a bearish view before the festive season, they could well be holding the same view when the market re-opened.

8.   In addition, HLG Futures continues to hold a bearish view of the market and recommend a short on any significant rebound.

a. + view >>共 746
different 6.78%
public 4.19%
political 2.84%
similar 2.28%
full 2.05%
clear 1.57%
better 1.55%
dim 1.43%
long 1.28%
panoramic 1.26%
bearish 0.07%
bearish + n. >>共 98
sentiment 22.10%
market 14.64%
outlook 6.08%
mood 4.14%
tone 3.31%
news 3.04%
investor 2.76%
view 2.21%
analyst 1.93%
fundamental 1.66%
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