51.   the new used album is good as

52.   They aren't as good as 'in person', but I'll take it.

53.   They was still good as shit I don't care!

54.   they were good as always :) though I am sure it would taste better if you did it

55.   this episode was good as hell too!

56.   uh oh get it!...lol...yea those chicken lada's were good as hell!

57.   yeah fender is good as well...les paul is a pretty sweeet guitar still

58.   yeah i recon that could work, just come home with me after the movie... this is good as :)

59.   yes... i wondered why you thought it wasn't as good as the game... it was hell scary in the cinemas.

60.   Yo I was so hungry but that food was good as hell I just ate way to much

v. + good + as >>共 7
be 64.15%
look 24.53%
feel 4.72%
go 1.89%
sound 1.89%
taste 1.89%
prove 0.94 %
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 36.55%
at 23.57%
with 10.98%
to 7.59%
in 6.08%
on 3.30%
as 2.10%
about 1.60%
@ 1.42%
but 1.42%
每页显示:    共 68