11.   He was good as Pollock, too.

12.   He was good as Snape in movie 2.

13.   hehe but you're old :p Though Smells Like Teen Spirit was good as an infants-schooler

14.   However, it can be good as a mental jump-start.

15.   I'm good as ever.

16.   i'm good as well excited that I have school on monday

17.   I'm ok...this day is not good as yesterday..

18.   I'm sure it's good as always!

19.   I am good as gold!

20.   I hope the movie is good as you!

v. + good + as >>共 7
be 64.15%
look 24.53%
feel 4.72%
go 1.89%
sound 1.89%
taste 1.89%
prove 0.94 %
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 36.55%
at 23.57%
with 10.98%
to 7.59%
in 6.08%
on 3.30%
as 2.10%
about 1.60%
@ 1.42%
but 1.42%
每页显示:    共 68