1.   -- Tell Shaq he is a basketball god.

2.   Coach Lavin says that if you put in the work, the basketball gods will reward you.

3.   Even the basketball gods took a powder on the Sonics.

4.   He pursed his lips into another circle and raised his arms to beseech the basketball gods for mercy.

5.   I thought the basketball gods were frowning on us a little bit.

6.   If only the basketball gods could bring back Jason Williams, please.

7.   Is he a basketball god chasing demons?

8.   Just to get to the first overtime period, the Mavericks had to depend on the basketball gods.

9.   Just a basketball god.

10.   Maybe the basketball gods and Mother Nature got together on that one.

n. + god >>共 112
baseball 12.87%
basketball 7.59%
football 7.59%
golf 4.29%
weather 3.63%
rain 3.30%
hockey 2.97%
monkey 2.97%
guitar 2.31%
sea 2.31%
basketball + n. >>共 808
player 13.74%
team 11.64%
coach 8.59%
game 7.91%
court 6.62%
star 3.75%
operation 2.49%
program 2.27%
fan 2.13%
tournament 2.10%
god 0.30%
每页显示:    共 23