1.   Bush has asked the court to overrule a Florida Supreme Court decision permitting manual ballot recounts in Florida.

2.   But Colpo argued that ballot recount in Florida had been tainted.

3.   But Mfume called for federal marshals to oversee the ballot recount and asked the Justice Department to investigate.

4.   Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush have spent the week wrangling over ballot recounts in Florida that will determine the winner of the presidency.

5.   Hand ballot recounts are an essential part of election law in Florida and other states, and the most accurate method of objectively determining voter intent.

6.   He said the election should not be decided on by a slate of electors whose votes were based on ballot recounts that would not be accurate.

7.   In other words, there was time to set specific standards for ballot recounts and the recounting.

8.   Officials had to prepare government buildings and call in workers to accommodate ballot recounts Saturday, though the U.S. Supreme Court halted that later in the day.

9.   Only Charles Burton, the Palm Beach judge whose ballot recount got discounted, had ample room.

10.   Republicans, whose demonstrations helped stop a presidential ballot recount in Miami-Dade County two weeks ago, have not announced plans to counter the Democratic ribbon campaign.

n. + recount >>共 37
hand 60.71%
vote 11.13%
ballot 9.24%
election 6.30%
machine 2.73%
sample 1.68%
weekend 0.84%
marathon 0.42%
medium 0.42%
order 0.42%
ballot + n. >>共 229
paper 15.28%
initiative 15.05%
measure 12.63%
question 4.11%
recount 2.48%
design 2.37%
issue 1.86%
line 1.63%
access 1.58%
count 1.41%
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