1.   The train attackers escaped and could not be identified.

2.   Bakhtiar and Katibeth were strangled and then repeatedly stabbed with a kitchen knife, and the attackers escaped.

3.   Neither officer was seriously injured and the attackers escaped, he said.

4.   No one was injured in that incident, and the attackers also escaped.

5.   Police said the attacker escaped.

6.   After a brief struggle the attacker escaped, but without his pants, the daily la Vanguardia reported.

7.   About two dozen other attackers escaped from the city overnight in four buses, using hostages as human shields, officials said.

8.   All the attackers escaped, police officials in southern Egypt said, insisting on anonymity.

9.   Ali Rashid Abdel-Sattar died immediately, and his attackers escaped.

n. + escape >>共 869
gunman 4.21%
man 3.77%
attacker 3.12%
assailant 3.09%
people 2.24%
prisoner 2.09%
driver 1.84%
rebel 1.65%
inmate 1.62%
suspect 1.56%
attacker + v. >>共 386
be 13.66%
flee 7.13%
escape 4.01%
fire 3.21%
come 2.36%
open 2.32%
use 2.24%
throw 1.92%
shoot 1.84%
have 1.72%
每页显示:    共 99