1.   Allegations of at least passive complicity have been neither proven nor disproved.

2.   But questions have been raised as to whether the army may not have at least passive complicity in some massacres.

3.   But questions have been raised as to whether the army may not have at least passive complicity in some of the violence.

4.   Questions have been raised as to whether the army played an at least passive role in some massacres which occurred within the sight of military posts.

d. + passive >>共 83
too 16.92%
more 16.54%
not 6.15%
relatively 3.85%
largely 3.08%
very 2.31%
so 1.92%
less 1.92%
oddly 1.92%
essentially 1.92%
at_least 1.54%
at_least + a. >>共 141
one 27.54%
two 15.83%
three 11.59%
four 7.88%
five 6.66%
six 5.29%
seven 3.92%
eight 3.63%
some 2.90%
nine 2.40%
passive 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4