1.   Developing and testing the standards, including assessment processes.

2.   Finally, the formulation stage involves using the results of the assessment process to identify objectives, plans, and strategies.

3.   Involving users directly in the needs assessment process, thus ensuring them a voice in assistance provided to them.

4.   The need for national qualifications for those carrying out the main functions in the assessment process has become increasingly pressing.

5.   The need to maintain simplicity in any pricing system, that does not distort but helps articulate the assessment process.

6.   The picture of pupil participation in the assessment process was less obvious in the other two art departments visited.

7.   Through this, an agreement has been reached on the role of General Practitioners and other medical practitioners in the assessment process.

8.   The role of the learner and peers in the assessment process should also be considered.

n. + process >>共 614
peace 53.12%
selection 3.08%
appeal 2.05%
approval 1.32%
impeachment 1.27%
review 1.20%
election 1.18%
production 1.08%
application 0.94%
budget 0.82%
assessment 0.22%
assessment + n. >>共 123
team 20.25%
process 8.38%
test 6.54%
procedure 4.70%
rate 3.68%
system 3.48%
mission 3.07%
program 2.25%
district 2.04%
report 2.04%
每页显示:    共 41