1.   Buxton is host to an annual summer arts festival.

2.   In May you can visit its arts festival, and in September, it plays host to a famous antiques fair.

3.   In summer the arts festival at Buxton is a popular attraction.

4.   She is going to try to get some people together to work on an arts festival.

5.   THE Scottish Arts Council has shocked organisers of a regional arts festival by cancelling its annual grant.

6.   An impressive arts festival should maintain the Olympic tradition of combining artistry and sports.

7.   And at least in Europe, which is home to hundreds of arts festivals today, they busily compete with one another for attention and acclaim.

8.   And will Zimbabwe still be the engaged, literate place that created the book fair and only a few years ago started a promising international arts festival?

9.   Anxiety flared during the planning for the new three-week summer arts festival, which is to begin in July.

10.   Arts festival featuring mostly free performances.

n. + festival >>共 284
film 25.22%
music 11.41%
art 5.74%
summer 4.87%
year 2.27%
rock 2.00%
weekend 1.67%
food 1.60%
three-day 1.33%
theater 1.33%
art + n. >>共 726
world 6.89%
gallery 6.43%
history 3.49%
dealer 3.48%
historian 2.75%
collection 2.59%
school 2.18%
director 1.99%
works 1.96%
critic 1.82%
festival 1.23%
每页显示:    共 85