1.   Puget Sound area fishermen acted with relief and reservation over the news that Canada may lift the fee Saturday.

2.   Puget Sound area fishermen acted with relief and reservation over the news that Canada may lift the fee on Saturday.

3.   This is no surprise for Los Angeles area fishermen.

4.   Bill Smith, a spokesman for Fish Unlimited, said area fishermen have been taking a count of the crabs and collecting samples for testing by an independent laboratory.

5.   Officials with the federal Environmental Protection Agency spent the afternoon taking samples of the water and interviewing area fishermen.

6.   The victims were members of two southeastern New Mexico families who had been camping along the river in an unmarked but popular camping site for area fishermen.

n. + fisherman >>共 81
sport 15.46%
ice 10.31%
trout 5.67%
mainland 5.15%
island 3.09%
area 3.09%
lobster 3.09%
shrimp 3.09%
tuna 2.58%
cod 2.06%
area + n. >>共 897
resident 9.10%
hospital 8.48%
stock 2.32%
school 2.15%
manager 1.61%
close 1.44%
store 1.30%
company 1.22%
business 1.22%
airport 1.10%
fisherman 0.17%
每页显示:    共 6