1.   Most arable farmers are nothing more than basic commodity producers.

2.   Similarly arable farmer is no doubt to be explained historically as derived from the term arable farm by means of an agentive suffix.

3.   Arable farmers who applied last year for oilseed rape subsidy will already be familiar with the way the map should be completed.

4.   Fischler is considering cutting subsidies to arable farmers in light of the currently high world grain prices.

a. + farmer >>共 726
local 6.49%
dairy 6.33%
white 6.30%
small 4.89%
poor 4.63%
american 3.22%
black 2.27%
organic 2.16%
family 1.71%
french 1.67%
arable 0.12%
arable + n. >>共 14
land 74.02%
farming 4.72%
crop 3.94%
farmer 3.94%
farm 3.15%
area 2.36%
field 1.57%
region 1.57%
aid 0.79%
farmland 0.79%
每页显示:    共 5