1.   They hear most usually from the share salesmen, the most amazing stories of quick and fantastic profits.

2.   Amazing stories.

3.   As the race unfolded, it appeared to be yielding an amazing story in the effort of Friman.

4.   Both of them have amazing stories.

5.   But Fedorov appears to be sincere in making his pledge to Detroit-area youth, which makes for an amazing story.

6.   But he did have an amazing story.

7.   But the amazing story does not end here.

8.   Five Muslim men and a teen-age boy have arrived in Bosnian government territory with an amazing story.

9.   It set the stage for an amazing story, even by racetrack standards.

10.   It would be an amazing story to see him coach Boston after coaching Montreal and Toronto.

a. + story >>共 781
different 8.42%
same 2.79%
good 2.55%
similar 2.29%
whole 2.05%
true 1.90%
old 1.85%
following 1.73%
real 1.64%
big 1.40%
amazing 0.19%
amazing + n. >>共 642
thing 9.77%
comeback 2.27%
run 1.78%
amount 1.72%
number 1.54%
feat 1.35%
story 1.29%
speed 1.04%
ability 0.92%
part 0.92%
每页显示:    共 21