1.   An administration spokesman said today the moratorium, announced in September, will be lifted soon.

2.   An administration spokesman said much of the assistance the United States aims to provide the Cuban people will be channeled through the Catholic Church and other non-government organizations.

3.   A Pataki administration spokesman, Bob Bulman, also declined to comment.

4.   Administration spokesmen are worried about polls that show public support for the war in Afghanistan may be waning.

5.   Administration spokesmen have drawn a distinction between attempting to kill a specific person like bin Laden and attacking a group of people who command a terrorist organization.

6.   Administration spokesmen have not provided any official comment on the outcome, noting that the ballot counting is expected to continue into next week.

7.   Administration spokesmen did not directly criticize Zinni.

8.   Administration spokesman Michael McKeon would neither confirm nor deny that Pataki wants to link casinos and land.

9.   Administration spokesmen officially refused to confirm or deny the existence of the secret programs.

10.   Administration spokesmen reply to questions with incomplete and often misleading answers.

n. + spokesman >>共 351
police 22.16%
government 12.48%
ministry 9.87%
army 8.41%
company 6.07%
embassy 2.72%
team 1.93%
department 1.92%
hospital 1.69%
rebel 1.62%
administration 0.25%
administration + n. >>共 511
official 67.91%
policy 2.58%
building 1.59%
proposal 1.47%
plan 1.24%
effort 1.01%
source 0.88%
office 0.74%
aide 0.68%
spokesman 0.61%
每页显示:    共 46