1.   In the afternoon I would propose that we meet briefly after lunch and receive any comments additional to papers that might go out beforehand.

2.   We would then have a report back in plenary and a time for additional comments.

3.   There were, however, three outstanding concerns which emerged from the additional comments to the question.

4.   As for the Winter Garden, Schoenfeld offered no additional comment, and a call to GM was not immediately returned.

5.   Attempts to reach Voth for additional comment Sunday, including on how he would vote on the proposal, were unsuccessful.

6.   Because one point warrants further emphasis, I add this additional comment.

7.   Bowen and Linbeck were not available for additional comment or questions.

8.   Boyle has referred all questions about the matter to Levander, who in recent days has not returned repeated phone calls seeking additional comments.

9.   A joint statement was issued Tuesday, and neither side offered additional comment.

10.   A spokeswoman said Poe would have no additional comment.

a. + comment >>共 973
immediate 29.89%
further 11.63%
public 10.20%
official 3.34%
similar 1.91%
recent 1.40%
first 1.35%
additional 1.23%
negative 1.12%
declined 0.92%
additional + n. >>共 1347
information 2.66%
money 2.31%
charge 2.11%
detail 1.67%
fund 1.53%
cost 1.48%
security 1.22%
troop 0.94%
test 0.90%
revenue 0.88%
comment 0.69%
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