1.   Choices of which units to activate should not be interpreted as showing favoritism, Stoneking emphasized.

2.   Plugging the vacuum hose into an inlet valve will activate the unit.

3.   States have no control over which units are activated by the Defense Department.

4.   The new units were officially activated on Friday.

5.   The Pentagon did not say which specific units would be activated, The Associated Press reported, and it was unclear if the call-up would include troops from Texas.

6.   The unit also was activated during recent hoopla about the Makah Indian whale hunt preparations.

7.   The unit was activated for World War II.

8.   This will mark the second time that the Clinton administration has activated reserve units.

9.   Governors in several states activated National Guard units.

10.   National Guard units were activated to assist in cleanup and rescue.

v. + unit >>共 659
sell 6.51%
bank 2.63%
set_up 2.17%
have 1.97%
include 1.94%
send 1.91%
buy 1.88%
deploy 1.61%
use 1.55%
base 1.38%
activate 0.36%
activate + n. >>共 327
factor 6.64%
center 5.31%
guard 4.23%
system 3.74%
gene 2.54%
alarm 2.17%
cell 1.57%
unit 1.33%
outfielder 1.33%
plan 1.33%
每页显示:    共 11