1.   There is a sort of upward ratchet effect where each achievement level becomes the baseline for the next change.

2.   ...the precise calibration of the achievement level of those observed.

3.   And some especially puzzling data have suggested that at higher achievement levels, the gap between black and white performance is wider than at lower levels.

4.   But the achievement level of children from low-income families either fell or stagnated during the summer, while children from higher income families continued to make progress.

5.   But the new schools had higher achievement levels than schools that reached the list in the past.

6.   But, the majority opinion said, the district still had significant racial imbalance in its student assignments, school locations, transportation policies and student achievement levels.

7.   For years, educators have been using edubabble to mug taxpayers sickened by falling achievement levels.

8.   Large numbers of Maori and Pacific Island pupils come from low-income families, and their collective achievement levels are well below those of white students.

9.   Meanwhile, student achievement levels are dismal and school buildings are deteriorating.

10.   Musick said the four achievement levels in the new assessment will motivate teachers and students to set and reach higher goals.

n. + level >>共 1503
cholesterol 2.82%
income 2.35%
price 1.98%
grade 1.80%
skill 1.66%
comfort 1.50%
production 1.46%
pollution 1.43%
blood 1.41%
radiation 1.39%
achievement 0.28%
achievement + n. >>共 41
award 43.17%
gap 14.75%
test 13.39%
level 7.65%
score 4.37%
goal 1.37%
datum 1.09%
profile 1.09%
standard 1.09%
prize 0.82%
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