1.   A blanket lien is the least complex arrangement and is comparable to pledging accounts receivable.

2.   Because of this, factoring is the most expensive form of accounts receivable financing.

3.   Current assets, particularly accounts receivable and inventory, often represent the largest single category of asset investment for many firms.

4.   Firms that offer trade credit must finance their outstanding accounts receivable.

5.   First, they provide financing of accounts receivable for borrowing firms.

6.   However, a tighter policy should result in higher quality of accounts receivable and hence reduce bad-debt losses.

7.   Intel converted part of the delinquent accounts receivable to a loan last fall.

8.   The asset received in exchange for goods delivered or services per-formed is most often cash or an account receivable.

9.   The four major categories of cur-rent assets held by most firms are cash, Marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventory.

10.   The percentage loaned is again a function of the credit rating of the borrower and the quality of the accounts receivable.

n. + receivable >>共 16
account 66.67%
credit-card 6.06%
export 3.03%
interest 3.03%
loan 3.03%
note 3.03%
advance 1.52%
auto 1.52%
bank 1.52%
commission 1.52%
account + n. >>共 328
holder 12.32%
number 8.06%
information 4.90%
manager 4.19%
balance 4.19%
statement 3.87%
receivable 3.48%
director 2.69%
book 2.37%
department 1.66%
每页显示:    共 44