1.   The Mayor was accused of abusing his authority and taking bribes.

2.   Other charges included abetting various other financial offences and abusing state authority.

3.   Local magistrates also abused their authority in order to influence voters.

4.   Although the bureau has been lauded for its work in investigating the Oklahoma City bombing, it has a troubling history of abusing its authority at various times.

5.   Barr said the authority might be abused for political purposes.

6.   But now many on Capitol Hill, with no stake in the package, are charging that Clinton abused his authority.

7.   But some obviously believe they can abuse their authority without censure.

8.   But to illiterate peasants like Jemaius Celian, Edouard is a tyrant and thief who abuses his authority.

v. + authority >>共 776
have 20.25%
say 3.90%
accuse 3.37%
urge 2.28%
ask 2.06%
alert 2.06%
notify 2.00%
tell 1.71%
overstep 1.64%
give 1.60%
abuse 0.72%
abuse + n. >>共 326
child 13.33%
power 11.64%
position 4.75%
authority 3.61%
drug 3.55%
boy 2.57%
system 2.46%
woman 2.40%
minor 2.40%
privilege 2.13%
每页显示:    共 66