81.   What will audiences see on a weekly basis?

82.   While other Busch drivers are criticizing so many Winston Cup regulars racing in the smaller series on a weekly basis, Blaney is welcoming the company.

83.   While there are no firm answers, clues are being discovered on an almost weekly basis as scientists explore the nature of a mysterious infectious agent called the prion.

84.   Will you return on a weekly basis just for a dramatization of your own dismal employment situation?

85.   You hear shootings over the border on a weekly basis.

86.   Zuckerman, for one, did not believe the network would permit humor that raw on a weekly basis.

87.   And then there was fan violence, a deep rooted problem, notably in Italy where hooliganism scarred the game almost on a weekly basis.

88.   But she said any talks must move beyond preliminary conversations to sustained negotiations, on a weekly basis, for instance.

89.   Fan violence remained a deep rooted problem, notably in Italy where hooliganism scarred the game almost on a weekly basis.

90.   For a time this summer, Illinois voters got used to seeing the presidential candidates almost on a weekly basis.

a. + basis >>共 731
regular 11.06%
daily 9.52%
legal 3.78%
interim 2.93%
voluntary 2.19%
limited 2.10%
weekly 1.96%
day-to-day 1.87%
temporary 1.78%
individual 1.77%
weekly + n. >>共 885
meeting 8.12%
newspaper 6.42%
magazine 4.50%
radio 4.48%
report 3.51%
export 3.14%
flight 2.83%
column 2.78%
basis 2.03%
claim 2.01%
每页显示:    共 110