1.   But nearly weekly meetings since January have produced no Decision either way.

2.   In their last weekly meeting before the summer recess the commissioners wrangled over the final wording of the document.

3.   My Working Group co-operated very well together, and we enjoyed our weekly meetings.

4.   Suppose, for example, you regularly attend a weekly meeting which tends to be deadly dull.

5.   The weekly meeting tends to be deadly dull.

6.   The weekly meeting was held in his office at the conference table set in front of the south window.

7.   The weekly meetings, held on Thursdays, were megalithic in proportion.

8.   What takes place at their weekly meetings is unknown.

9.   Tutorials are weekly meetings of one or two students with their tutor.

a. + meeting >>共 511
first 7.27%
cabinet 6.10%
annual 5.36%
emergency 4.26%
next 2.82%
private 2.38%
public 1.94%
separate 1.93%
special 1.93%
recent 1.72%
weekly 1.69%
weekly + n. >>共 885
meeting 8.12%
newspaper 6.42%
magazine 4.50%
radio 4.48%
report 3.51%
export 3.14%
flight 2.83%
column 2.78%
basis 2.03%
claim 2.01%
每页显示:    共 441