81.   Unions have opposed the proposals and many of them have said they intend to use the Labour Day holiday on Wednesday to stage demonstrations.

82.   Unions oppose the reflagging as the shipping companies under Marshall flags are no longer required to employ American-licensed seamen.

n. + oppose >>共 560
group 9.04%
administration 6.33%
government 4.95%
leader 3.85%
party 3.27%
official 2.64%
majority 2.13%
member 2.01%
company 1.99%
union 1.92%
union + v. >>共 801
say 10.57%
be 9.05%
have 3.63%
want 3.55%
call 2.22%
demand 1.82%
agree 1.63%
threaten 1.58%
make 1.22%
seek 1.17%
oppose 1.00%
每页显示:    共 82