union say 57.08   Never mind what the union says.
  union be 48.85   Are unions too strong?
  union have 19.62   I think the union has.
  union want 19.16   Not that unions wanted this.
  union call 11.98   The union did not call a strike.
  union demand 9.81   The unions demanded his head.
  union agree 8.82   The union agreed.
  union threaten 8.56   But unions threatened more strikes.
  union make 6.58   The union made major concessions.
  union seek 6.32   The union seeks immediate cuts.
  union represent 5.92   The unions represent two million workers.
  union reject 5.66   Unions reject that argument.
  union plan 5.60   The union plans to strike this weekend.
  union file 5.46   The union has filed a grievance.
  union oppose 5.40   The union opposes a luxury tax.
  union claim 5.33   The union was claiming a victory.
  union take 5.13   The unions took credit.
  union try 4.87   As a result, unions today try to avoid strikes.
  union ask 4.74   The union has asked it to take back the other.
  union go 4.08   The union never goes into effect.
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