81.   Some less prestigious universities have seen steep declines.

82.   Some of those doing the selling may be foreign investors who see the decline of the dollar hammering their returns.

83.   Some investors say they would not be surprised to see prices decline for several days.

84.   Specialty apparel retailers, such as AnnTaylor Stores Corp., Limited Inc. and Talbots Inc., saw sales decline.

85.   Staples has seen profits decline in five of the last six quarters.

86.   State budgets are strained, welfare reform limits are kicking in, and charities, seeing donations decline, are concerned, especially as winter approaches.

87.   Some say shareholders should get used to seeing declines.

88.   Some school officials say busier Fridays add rigor to campuses that have seen a decline in intellectual discourse.

89.   Some see the decline as simply a trend, a fluctuation rooted in economics that may be reversed.

90.   Stores that sell expensive items, from silk ties to personal computers, are already seeing a decline.

v. + decline >>共 317
lead 14.75%
offset 7.10%
attribute 6.01%
see 3.85%
show 3.80%
follow 3.78%
pace 3.73%
blame 2.86%
report 2.86%
temper 2.47%
see + n. >>共 1403
sign 1.33%
reason 1.25%
man 1.18%
thing 1.14%
people 1.07%
doctor 0.95%
action 0.93%
need 0.92%
opportunity 0.89%
lot 0.87%
decline 0.29%
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