81.   But critics of the movement are missing a point, Elizondo said.

82.   But Davos enthusiasts say the criticisms miss the point of the forum.

83.   But critics of single-sex public schools like the American Civil Liberties Union, miss the point.

84.   But criticism of service chiefs, or legislators with local loyalties, is in danger of missing the point.

85.   But even in their own terms those critics missed the point.

86.   But eventually I realized that I was missing the point.

87.   But he and all others that beat the obvious into pulp, drowning modest insights in an excess of verbiage, miss the point.

88.   But carping critics miss the point, says writer-director Jessie Nelson.

89.   But he missed the point when he defended the secretive way in which the Board of Pardons and Paroles handles requests for commutations of death sentences.

90.   But he says he is bothered by the fact that some people seem to be missing the point entirely.

v. + point >>共 406
make 14.33%
have 13.73%
score 8.51%
reach 4.36%
miss 4.20%
get 3.50%
prove 3.02%
win 1.95%
illustrate 1.92%
earn 1.78%
miss + n. >>共 724
game 13.04%
cut 3.99%
chance 3.67%
point 3.52%
opportunity 3.06%
practice 2.37%
target 2.36%
shot 2.33%
playoff 2.17%
deadline 1.64%
每页显示:    共 476