make point 107.64   Can I make a point.
  have point 103.16   Bird has a point.
  score point 63.92   And we will score points.
  reach point 32.72   That point had been reached.
  miss point 31.53   But it misses the point.
  get point 26.27   Get the point?
  prove point 22.65   An example proves the point.
  win point 14.61   Agassi won the point.
  illustrate point 14.42   Let me illustrate the point.
  earn point 13.36   Earn points.
  lose point 11.85   He loses a point here.
  see point 11.39   I saw her point.
  take point 11.06   I take your point.
  cross point 9.22   Bob Grant crossed that point.
  award point 8.16   What do you award points for?
  underscore point 7.50   Kerrey underscores that point.
  gain point 6.78   We gained a point.
  give point 5.79   Do I give the point to?
  emphasize point 5.66   He emphasized the point this way.
  get_across point 5.66   I got my point across.
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