81.   The ministry plans to complete price negotiations before carrying out evaluations of cost and effectiveness.

82.   The industry ministry plans to create amalgamations, or financial and industrial groups which small mining outfits would be invited to join, Piskunov said.

83.   The ministry planned to offer the left-over stocks last year, but shelved the plan when the market remained soft.

84.   The Japanese transport ministry plans to issue a final report on the crash this year, reflecting opinions expressed in the hearing.

85.   The ministry plans to call on the Finance and International Trade and Industry ministries to join the bilateral dialogue, they said.

86.   The ministry plans to make a final decision in early October on whether to enforce the yet unused and sweeping law on the cult.

87.   The ministry also plans to distribute leaflets and produce video clips about the radar.

88.   The ministry also plans to set up a central clearinghouse to register and identify all the livestock.

89.   The news agency said the ministry also planned to put the assets of Barings under its administration to protect investors here.

n. + plan >>共 778
company 13.03%
government 9.01%
group 4.23%
official 4.06%
authority 1.79%
leader 1.51%
team 1.28%
police 1.18%
agency 1.16%
president 1.13%
ministry 0.54%
ministry + v. >>共 628
say 40.69%
be 3.96%
announce 2.35%
have 2.17%
deny 1.47%
confirm 1.41%
refuse 1.40%
decline 1.14%
give 1.08%
plan 1.07%
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