1.   I have a suspicion that the local authority may be planning to close the school.

2.   There are so few hospital beds available that health authorities plan to set up emergency treatment centres in football stadiums.

3.   The authorities are planning to launch a full-scale investigation into the crash.

4.   Evidently, the local authority are planning to close the school.

5.   The authority plans to overspend this year and has been told to cut ten million pounds.

6.   The authority plans to stop turning a blind eye to disability and war pension income when calculating community benefits charge and housing benefits.

7.   Although the virus has yet to move north to Canada, the Canadian health authorities plan to catch it in the act if it does.

8.   Arafat said the Israeli government approved the new passport that the Palestinian authority plans to issue, a red one for VIPs and a green one for ordinary Palestinians.

9.   Authorities plan to locate market regulators, commercial banks and multi-national enterprises in the building, he said.

10.   Authorities also were planning to tear down two small buildings near the wreckage to gain better access.

n. + plan >>共 778
company 13.03%
government 9.01%
group 4.23%
official 4.06%
authority 1.79%
leader 1.51%
team 1.28%
police 1.18%
agency 1.16%
president 1.13%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
plan 0.73%
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