81.   Indeed, fertility medicine is a thriving business in Chile.

82.   Initially, alternative medicine was as foreign to him as it was to his institution.

83.   Is medicine an art or a science?

84.   Is no medicine cabinet safe from the repackagers of corporate America?

85.   Indian families are pretty traditional when it comes to the family business, and medicine was safe.

86.   Injectable drugs arrive at nearly full strength, but needle medicines are painful.

87.   Ironically, medicine is the last thing that should be kept in a medicine cabinet, health professionals say.

88.   It says inhaled medicine is usually safe during pregnancy and suggests avoiding asthma triggers like pets and pollen.

89.   Its antihero is Geronimus Cornelisz, a marble-hearted, exiled apothecary whose chief medicines are poisons.

90.   Just the same, Ganske, who is married to a physician and still practices surgery on periodic charitable missions abroad, agrees that medicine is easier.

n. + be >>共 1635
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
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question 0.56%
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medicine 0.02%
medicine + v. >>共 216
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