81.   Monday, a Canadian judge issued a permanent injunction forbidding blockades, and two Alaska State troopers will be on board the Aurora with a copy of the order.

82.   Often, abusers are not in court when a judge issues a protective order, in which case police officers must serve them in person.

83.   On Friday, all the protesters won a victory when a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order preventing police from seizing materials that protesters use to characterize politicians.

84.   On Monday, a Platte County Circuit Court judge issued a preliminary injunction against the builder.

85.   On Thursday, US District Court judge Lawrence McKenna issued a preliminary order denying the injunction against King that Trinidad sought.

86.   Once the hearing concludes, the judge will probably issue her decision within a few weeks, lawyers said.

87.   Only after the judge issues his conclusions of law will he consider how to punish Microsoft, if at all, in a separate legal proceeding.

88.   Since the judge issued his order, at least two steps have been taken to deal with the concerns, according to Fire Department memos.

89.   So far, a judge has not issued a gag order.

90.   So far, no one has been arrested, but a San Francisco Superior Court judge has issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting all further sales.

n. + issue >>共 749
government 10.18%
company 6.29%
court 5.04%
judge 4.55%
authority 4.28%
official 3.86%
police 3.71%
agency 2.81%
group 2.27%
leader 1.81%
judge + v. >>共 595
say 9.56%
rule 7.92%
order 6.05%
be 4.88%
have 3.09%
decide 2.20%
dismiss 1.88%
reject 1.69%
find 1.69%
agree 1.65%
issue 1.62%
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