81.   There are no perfect instruments to measure the economy, and the existing ones are giving different indications about whether inflation is rising.

82.   They posted their worst loss in two weeks yesterday after reports that U.S. trade surged in March raised concern that inflation would rise.

83.   They will also note that even if inflation is rising, the increases are very modest.

84.   They made no provision to allow the spending figure to grow if inflation rises faster than anticipated.

85.   To the extent companies can get away with it, inflation will rise.

86.   Western German inflation rose in May for the first time in eight months, led by rising holiday tour costs.

87.   Western German consumer price inflation rose in November, as expected, though declining October import and producer prices revealed scant inflation risk.

88.   Western German consumer price inflation rose in November, as expected, while declining October import and producer prices convinced investors higher inflation is not on the horizon.

89.   Within a year or two, a falling dollar could mean that imports cost more, causing inflation to rise.

90.   Without it, nations that adopt the currency and then let spending rip could cause inflation to rise throughout the monetary union.

n. + rise >>共 498
stock 17.07%
price 14.46%
dollar 4.79%
share 4.14%
bond 3.74%
future 2.95%
rate 2.65%
cost 1.59%
tension 1.56%
sale 1.40%
inflation 0.63%
inflation + v. >>共 343
be 25.97%
remain 14.11%
accelerate 9.53%
erode 3.91%
rise 3.64%
slow 1.78%
pick_up 1.61%
fall 1.56%
stay 1.44%
continue 1.36%
每页显示:    共 146