81.   Recessed can lights are most often used, noted White, adding that fluorescent lights are popular under cabinets and above countertops.

82.   She wanted to know a little about compact fluorescent lights that cost less to use than regular light bulbs.

83.   She is also sensitive to unshielded fluorescent lights, found in many stores and fast-food restaurants.

84.   She often lays fluorescent lights on top of cabinets that are not flush with the ceiling.

85.   Silver said they have to be bright because their pictures are drowned in the fluorescent light of retail showrooms.

86.   So, the institute built a fluorescent light in a wall-mounted box.

87.   Soon, a brain rises out of the fluorescent light.

88.   Sure enough, the morning after the raid, the young woman in the ponytail was back at her sewing machine under a dangling fluorescent light.

89.   The color of the light emitted by fluorescent lights depends on the gas in the tube.

90.   The consequence was clear when the scientists shined a fluorescent light on the embryos.

a. + light >>共 958
bright 7.76%
new 3.57%
street 2.97%
ultraviolet 2.86%
natural 2.76%
first 2.56%
blue 2.40%
different 2.35%
fluorescent 2.21%
white 2.10%
fluorescent + n. >>共 133
light 31.11%
tube 7.78%
bulb 6.22%
lighting 5.33%
fixture 4.00%
dye 2.89%
molecule 1.78%
glow 1.56%
chemical 1.33%
paint 1.33%
每页显示:    共 139