1.   BLit by a bare fluorescent bulb, the room is filled with flies.

2.   The Scenes of Crime Officer walked in and the fluorescent bulbs on the ceiling flickered into life.

3.   And another that takes a five-inch fluorescent bulb but has burned out three in the past month.

4.   And yet, amid all the technology and sterility of a hospital environment, a few rays of sun trickle pass the fluorescent bulbs.

5.   Because it normally lasts only months or years, the electrode is the main cause of fluorescent bulb failure.

6.   But not those fluorescent bulbs.

7.   Compact fluorescent bulbs and light fixtures are the biggest energy savers in home lighting.

8.   Even Lacasse, a candle fanatic, labors under oppressive fluorescent bulbs during the workweek.

9.   Energy-saving fluorescent bulbs, once eschewed as too expensive and unattractive, are hard for stores to keep in stock.

10.   Fluorescent bulbs have varying amounts of all colors, with cool-white bulbs producing a bit more blue and a bit less red than warm-white bulbs.

a. + bulb >>共 215
dim 5.44%
fluorescent 5.08%
incandescent 4.54%
single 3.99%
electric 3.27%
bare 3.27%
new 2.36%
naked 2.18%
spring-flowering 2.18%
small 2.00%
fluorescent + n. >>共 133
light 31.11%
tube 7.78%
bulb 6.22%
lighting 5.33%
fixture 4.00%
dye 2.89%
molecule 1.78%
glow 1.56%
chemical 1.33%
paint 1.33%
每页显示:    共 28