81.   Add remaining eggs and oil to flour mixture and work together until homogeneous.

82.   Add remaining flour mixture to cream cheese mixture and mix well.

83.   Add the flour mixture and beat just until a soft dough forms.

84.   Add the flour mixture in thirds, alternating with the buttermilk and the vanilla extract, beating after each addition until smooth.

85.   Add the flour mixture to the yogurt gloop and mix just until combined.

86.   Add to flour mixture and mix until evenly incorporated and dough comes together.

87.   Add to flour mixture and stir until combined and slightly lumpy.

88.   Add to flour mixture and stir until just combined.

89.   Add to the flour mixture and blend.

90.   Add chicken one piece at a time and shake to coat with flour mixture.

n. + mixture >>共 540
flour 10.57%
egg 8.28%
milk 2.81%
sugar 2.67%
cheese 2.46%
yolk 2.25%
spoon 2.05%
onion 1.94%
tomato 1.91%
potato 1.80%
flour + n. >>共 90
mixture 49.43%
mill 12.16%
tortilla 10.05%
sack 2.76%
shortage 1.46%
milling 1.30%
miller 1.13%
bag 0.97%
business 0.65%
company 0.65%
每页显示:    共 303