81.   He thinks movies and writing exercises can be effective teaching tools, but wonders about the value of adding them to the New Year services.

82.   He said that discount promotions are the most effective marketing tool during an economic crisis, when consumers want instant benefits when buying products.

83.   However, Whiston finds it a valuable resource and a very effective tool to stimulate interest and enhance fluency in the English language.

84.   If litterbugs do not learn a lesson in the near future, the Government may have to consider this very effective disciplinary tool that has proven effective elsewhere.

85.   It is a very effective teaching tool which never fails to amuse children.

86.   Networking concepts such as intranets have enabled networks to be an effective tool to disseminate and share information and increase productivity among employees.

87.   Rep. Jennifer Dunn, R-Wash., called trade an effective tool to pressure Vietnam to make economic and social reforms.

88.   Sane said this day-to-day work would still be the core of the organization and one of its most effective tools.

89.   THE emergence of video-conferencing technology has given rise to a cost- effective tool in lateral interpersonal communication.

90.   This is where the MIPP helps as an effective marketing tool to reach end users in the designated market.

a. + tool >>共 1017
new 4.89%
marketing 4.12%
powerful 3.53%
important 3.08%
useful 2.70%
effective 1.93%
valuable 1.66%
political 1.58%
stone 1.54%
teaching 1.48%
effective + n. >>共 1303
way 7.37%
treatment 3.97%
control 2.85%
tool 1.80%
use 1.75%
measure 1.56%
method 1.39%
mean 1.35%
action 1.33%
weapon 1.27%
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