1.   But these women also employed medical definitions of physical and mental weakness as an effective tactical weapon in the battle with men.

2.   In the West the closed fist is considered almost the only effective weapon to be used in unarmed combat.

3.   The sect did use assassination as a highly effective weapon, however, against other Persian groups.

4.   Although the Chargers are head and shoulders above the Los Angeles Rams, who started the Chiefs on the skids, both use the same effective anti-Chief weapons.

5.   Also, to be a truly effective weapon, the bacteria would have to be resistant to antibiotics like penicillin and Cipro.

6.   And military strategists began to conceive of the airplane as an effective weapon of war.

7.   Another effective weapon is the computerized dialing machines, which place hundreds of calls simultaneously to offices and homes.

8.   Against other diseases, vaccines have proven to be an extremely effective weapon.

9.   But his most effective weapons were his legs, which enabled him to constantly elude UCLA pass rushers.

10.   But Kostunica understands his most effective weapons.

a. + weapon >>共 559
automatic 9.86%
chemical 9.65%
heavy 7.50%
biological 5.79%
illegal 3.97%
new 2.94%
concealed 2.46%
banned 1.73%
suspected 1.57%
deadly 1.48%
effective 0.49%
effective + n. >>共 1303
way 7.37%
treatment 3.97%
control 2.85%
tool 1.80%
use 1.75%
measure 1.56%
method 1.39%
mean 1.35%
action 1.33%
weapon 1.27%
每页显示:    共 67