81.   The union disburses billions of dollars annually to its members through a variety of programs, including agriculture subsidies and development assistance to poorer regions.

82.   The United States has never offered development assistance through this route, saying it provides aid in other ways.

83.   Those involve trade development assistance and U.S. export promotion programs by the Overseas Private Investment Corp.

84.   We are committed to increasing the effectiveness of bilateral and multilateral development assistance, and to continuously monitoring and measuring its results.

85.   We discussed the global economy, international efforts to combat the financing of terrorism, approaches to financial crises, and the importance of more effective development assistance.

86.   A foreign ministry official told Jiji Press that Japan would continue official development assistance and other economic aid to support the reform policy of China.

87.   Arroyo added that Canada is a key provider of official development assistance, particularly for projects in the rebellion-torn Muslim region of Mindanao.

88.   Atwood lashed out at isolationists during the annual International Development Conference, a meeting of people associated with development assistance.

89.   But developing countries said the vague language of the Monterrey Consensus now had to be matched with concrete acts -- notably halting a slide in official development assistance.

90.   But developing countries say the vague language of the Monterrey Consensus must now be matched with concrete acts -- notably halting a slide in official development assistance.

n. + assistance >>共 253
government 18.45%
cash 8.01%
development 7.87%
food 6.65%
directory 5.58%
disaster 3.79%
relief 2.15%
job 1.36%
tuition 1.36%
security 1.22%
development + n. >>共 552
project 13.50%
program 5.69%
plan 4.94%
aid 4.43%
bank 2.82%
company 2.59%
cost 2.52%
agency 1.88%
assistance 1.74%
fund 1.59%
每页显示:    共 109