81.   Are these comments on maleness or penis envy?

82.   Ashcroft later signaled that his public comments would be limited in the future.

83.   At least two final comments are unprintable here.

84.   At the beginning are comments about the non-Shakespearean plays.

85.   Attempts by the Globe to reach Dawber, by telephone and in person, for comment were unsuccessful.

86.   Based on our subsequent investigation, we now know that our comments about MITC were inaccurate, and we apologize for any confusion that may have resulted.

87.   Babbitt has said that his comments were an attempt to bring a quick end to his meeting with Eckstein.

88.   Bill Dal Col, a Republican strategist, said Bush comments were an appropriate response to the ever-widening disclosures about the company.

89.   Bolstering the yen were comments from a spokesman for the Japanese delegation to the Group of Seven nations summit in Lyon, France.

90.   Both organizations said initial comment was overwhelmingly negative, but that since then, viewer reaction has been more evenly split.

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comment + v. >>共 408
be 33.37%
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