81.   Moslem-led government forces Monday pressed on with attacks across Bosnia, attempting to turn recent territorial gains to strategic advantage, according to reports here.

82.   Reporting situation in Kashmir, where the state chief minister said attacks from across the border with Pakistan had lessened considerably.

83.   Since then, the IRA has mounted a string of attacks across mainland Britain and one in the province of Ulster.

84.   The MQM victims died in sniper attacks in across the city, according to police and hospitals.

85.   The main palace gates are less than two blocks from the site of the deadly attack across from the National Assembly building.

n. + across >>共 1405
city 1.44%
people 1.30%
way 0.89%
wind 0.89%
shower 0.83%
town 0.78%
weather 0.74%
bridge 0.65%
school 0.65%
building 0.64%
attack 0.37%
attack + p. >>共 70
in 29.76%
against 18.82%
by 18.60%
from 8.84%
with 2.56%
at 2.50%
as 2.24%
for 2.17%
to 1.64%
after 1.22%
across 0.51%
每页显示:    共 85